Timemagazine’s “Person of the Year” was Haile Selassie I, the Emperor of Ethiopia from 1930 to 1974. Consumer products introduced in 1935 include Arrid deodorant, Hostess potato chips, Hummel figurines, Kit Kat bars, nylon, paper shredders, Preparation H, Sterzing’s potato chips, and the...
It's the whole fucking "my money determines my dick size" mentality. That being said, I got told that I need to work overtime, without pay, to resolve IT's issue, even if I have to on the weekend. That being said,my new Dell that I had just bought (my own) got thrown on ...
**Side note:My air bnb guest is a cool chick from Salt Lake, here for a work training. She was a sports science and nutrition major, has done Whole 30…errr 15. But currently is on a program where she is eating a ton of protein, eating 6x per day and already shredded 6% body fa...
Life Extension Nutritions + A 2 Z For the Family + Abilitations Baby Product Books Grocery Personal Safety Pregnancy School Supplies Toys For the Home + Air Quality Home Improvement Insect Control Kitchen Lighting Test Kits Tools UV Light Bulbs For the Look + ...