PowerShell can also provide protection to the data allowing only the secure scripts to run in the console, using the Execution Policies. The following are the list of execution policies. These are the parameter values that can be included with the cmdlet. For example, Restricted- No scripts ca...
Here’s a quick tip on working with Windows PowerShell. These are published every week for as long as we can come up with new tips. If you have a tip you’d like us to share or a question about how to do something, let us know.Find more tips in the Windows PowerShell...
Check the installation status in the just created App and in C:\Windows\Temp\Printers.log if needed. There’s also a remove_printers.log for the uninstall. Related blog post Microsoft Intune PowerShell Detection scriptsNovember 30, 2023 In "Intune" Overview of 20...
andWindows PowerShellforums, but there are plenty of other forums out there. You will not only start building a reputation for yourself, but you will make contact with other people who share your passion.Publish your scripts and modules to the repositoriesThis is one of the easiest things you...
Okey-doke: (Get-ChildItem C:\Scripts -filter "*.ps1").Count And now wearegoing to leave. See you next week with yet another Windows PowerShell tip! Well, unless the sun is out, that is.
I often create PowerShell scripts to generate WPF output that doesn't rely on XAML files. For simple displays, you can accomplish everything with PowerShell code. The first step in any WPF project is to add the required assembly. Add-Type-AssemblyName PresentationFramework ...
Added manual and script for PowerShell autocomplete May 18, 2020 docs Switch branch references frommastertomain Apr 22, 2022 internal Bump yaml.v2 version to 2.2.8 (urfave#1326) Jan 25, 2022 testdata Bump github.com/cpuguy83/go-md2man/v2 to v2.0.1 (urfave#1321) ...
Open PowerShell session and Login – Of course you first have to open a PowerShell session to your tenant account Open a PowerShell window. Run the following: $MySession = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUrihttps://ps.outlook.com/powershell/-Credential $AceCred -...
Microsoft Tech Community and the Windows PowerShell space This week, I received my third-anniversary badge as a member of the Microsoft Tech Community.The website also got a nice new, modern look this week! In this blog post, I will highlight the changes and knowledge the forum has given...
# Install the required Windows Features and Install Remote AccessInstall-WindowsFeature-Name RemoteAccess,Routing,RSAT,RSAT-Role-Tools,` RSAT-RemoteAccess,RSAT-RemoteAccess-PowerShellInstall-RemoteAccess-VpnType VpnS2SStart-Sleep3 Once we have those prerequisites in place, we can create the S2S connec...