These science activities andscienceexperimentsare sure to be a hit with kids inpreschooland elementary! You will find so many easy and fun science projects that require just a few items found around your house. MY LATEST VIDEOS From lava lamps to magic milk to eruptions and more, these simpl...
Keep the kids happily learning all year long with these awesome hands onSTEM projects. Encourating students to trySTEM projects for kids(science, technology, engineering and math) allows them to work on multiple disciplines at the same time and see how they fit together to solve real-world pro...
Over 30 cool STEM projects and lessons for elementary and middle school kids. Made for teachers, science experiments, and weekend activities. Hands-on science, engineering, simple tech, and applied math.
Build this simple model atom with kids to teach kids what does atom look like with hands-on fun! This easy model of science can teach kids about the structure of an atom and about atomic number, etc. This 3D atom model is easy and fun and can be done in minutes with accessible craft...
Discover fun and educational science activities, experiments, and projects for kids to spark curiosity and learning at home or in the classroom.
Why not take science outdoors with these simpleoutdoor science experiments and activities?Perfect for having fun and learning too! Science in the backyard gets kids outside and experimenting with the world around them from crazy chemical reactions to beautiful biology. Turn on the observation skills...
Look into starting or joining a citizen science project in your area or online. Learn more about what citizen science is all about with our free guide. Kids can become citizen scientists! 💡Guide tocitizen science projectswith kids.
Do your kids like engineering and science? We’re not surprised: its super cool to make stuff that actually “does stuff!” Here are 35 fun DIY engineering projects just for kids that you and your family will enjoy. Notice that some are perfect for tiny tots and other projects are terrifi...
Art projects for preschoolers are simple, and they can be fun for the whole family, too. Art Projects for Preschoolers Implementing art projects for younger children can feel particularly daunting--there’s a likelihood of big messes, short attention spans, and high-priced materials.That’s why...
7 Ways to Make Science Fun for Your Kids Science is one of the most important subjects that students and pupils will face in school. However, it can be complicated and boring for children, which can affect their interest in it. This is why you should mak