The documentary premiered at Kevin Smith’s Smodcastle Film Festival in New Jersey on October 25, 2024. It will be released on Fubo and executive producer Ryan Reynolds’ Maximum Effort Channel on October 27, 2024, and will be available on VOD platforms the next day. For more documentary c...
Victoria won by 10 runs. SummaryCommentaryStatisticsInfo Completed6th MatchT20Global Super League GAW 147/618.2 HAM 146/620 Guyana Amazon Warriors won by 4 wickets SummaryCommentaryStatisticsInfo Completed7th MatchT20Global Super League VIC 129/1019.3 LQ 139/1019.5 Lahore Qalandars won by 10 runs. ...
Royal Botanic Gardens, Carlton Gardens, Queen Victoria Gardens, Flagstaff Gardens, Fitzroy Gardens. This epic collection of green space might be the reason why Victoria is called The Garden State. Grab some local in-season fruits and veggies from the market and have a picnic in one of the man...
And now, 2024! May 25, 2006, a younger Brora enthusiast and almost as much sun over Brora In fact, what is truly fascinating after the announcement of Brora’s relaunch (and that of Port Ellen) in 2017, and Brora’s first runs in May 2021, is discovering how little has changed on ...
Port Ellen 44 yo 1978/2023 'Gemini Remnant Cask' (53.6%, OB, Remnant cask finish, 274 bottles, 2024) These remnant casks are barrels intended to house the tails of the bottling runs. Once full, they are emptied (it seems they discard the contents, I might have other ideas…) and are...
of the region’s ports including Juneau, Ketchikan, Sitka, Skagway, Victoria and Icy Straight Point. The line’s new partnership with the Royal Canadian Geographical Society (RCGS) will feature experts on every voyage in the 2024 Alaska season as part of Cunard’s renownedInsightsenrichment ...
The Avon runs through, making for a beautiful backdrop, and there’s lots to see in Stratford Upon Avon, beyond Shakespeare. 21. Explore more of Birmingham Visit Birmingham with a twist this summer and go all Peaky Blinders themed. As well as the usual shopping, bars and restaurants you ...
I can't recall exactly how I got the idea of doing challenge runs into my head, probably YouTube, but I decided to do a couple. First was a fist-weapon only run, which honestly was a blast and far easier than I thought it would be. Second was a level 1 run, so starting with ...
The Great Victoria Desert is the largest desert in Australia. Australia has hosted the Olympic Summer Games twice: 1956 in Melbourne and 2000 in Sydney. It will host for a third time in 2032 in Brisbane. Solar System and Planet Facts for Kids For facts that are out of this world, keep ...
Back in early 2022 I picked up a copy of Elden Ring on steam and played through it a couple times, trying out different builds and pursuing different quests each time. I can't recall exactly how I got the idea of doing challenge runs into my head, probably YouTube, but I decided to...