Now they’re talking about the massive refugee camp across the border in Jordan, the fourth largest city in the country, the Za’atari refugee camp, 2nd largest camp in the world, with 120,000 Syrians, trapped in the camp, until they can return to Syria after the civil war is over. ...
January 16: The FBI gunned down the Barker Gang, including Ma Barker, during a shootout in Florida. The Barker-Karpis Gang was responsible for three kidnappings, 10 murders, and thefts of more than $1 million during a three-year rampage—primarily in the Midwest—that began in 1931. Wikip...
Additionally, outside the soft play area there are great video games and rides for the older tots and teens. The larger play area (upstairs) isn't my favorite. It is too dark and I felt trapped going in there with my son. It seems like there is only one way out ...
Peachtree City, Georgia, is not just another suburb of Atlanta. It stands out with a unique transportation system dominated by golf carts. This city has developed a comprehensive network of paths that cater specifically to these small vehicles, offering a glimpse into a different kind of suburban...
MamaliciousMaria is the brainchild of Maria Smith, an Atlanta mom of 4. It's the place to find tips and tools for family travel, food, fun finds, fashion and all things for moms.
“We were contacted by some ladies who had worked for the company when they were young women in their teens or early 20s. The company had left Racine in 1936, and these women had stayed in contact with each other all that time, over 50 years.” Mardi punctuates the revelation w...
Source:“In This Atlanta Suburb, Teens Taste Freedom at 10 M.P.H.”—The New York Times Leave a comment WTF Fun Fact 13710 – Sebastianism April 1, 2024 Have you ever heard of Sebastianism? Sebastian’s Legend In the heart of Portugal, a legend persists about a young king who vanishe...
In his late teens, Jarman left Hollywood and returned to his home state to attend Vanderbilt University. In addition to establishing his own travel business, Jarman stayed involved with the world of film, serving as the executive director of the San Francisco International Film Festival from 1965...