Teaching procedure ( 教学流程 ) 教学环节 Activities (师生活动) Activity goals (活动目标) Lead in(导入新课) 1.学生头脑风暴学校有哪些俱乐部。2.学生通过师生问答与老师交流想要加入的俱乐部,陈述自己的能力,可参考以下例子。Teacher: What club do you want to join?student: l want to join ...Teacher:...
学情分析(Analysis of the students) 教师应重点从以下三个方面对学生作学情分析: 1根据《义务教育英语课程标准》和教材之前的学习要求,分析学生就本单元hobbies这一话题以及与之相关的三个子主题,应该已经掌握的有关知识与技能和应该具有的观点(包括态度、价值观等)。例如:在语言知识方面,学生在小学阶段应该已经学习...
拓展:reflection, introspection, resilience, perseverance, growth 活动建议:克服学习中的困难,例如理解复杂的知识、完成困难的任务。享受独处时的宁静,进行自我反思,例如思考人生目标、规划未来发展。从失败中汲取经验,不断成长,例如分析失败原因、改进学习方法。挑战自我,例如尝试新的活动、突破自身的极限。
Homework for this week(本周作业): Finish a simple research about the choice of different clubs about your classmate and finish a data (数据) report. Teaching reflection (教学反思) 本节课的整体设计符合新课标要求,符合学生的身心发展规律,在课程的设计上通过大问题的牵引,逐步对课文内容进行刨析和呈现...
E.Record which side makes more good points during the argument.F.Given below are some fun classroom activities for high school students.G.The students would have to remember the dates in order to arrange themselves correctly. 免费查看参考答案及解析 ...
These are all great mindfulness activities for kids to focus on color, position, and counting to create an accurate reflection. To give kids a chance to take the lead, take turns setting up scenes for each other. Sometimes I would set it up the symmetry activity; other times, my children...
Presenting Ideas&Reflection(1课时) 《英语课程新标准》对初中阶段听、说的技能要求准确定位教学目标和宏观把握教学设计的依据是《新课标》中规定的各级目标,教师要全面了解各学段的目标,以使自己在教学设计中能更好、更准确地把握。 学情分析(Analysis of the students) 教师应重点从以下三个方面对学生作学情分析:...
All about me pennant - Getting to know you activity + Thinking Hat Reflection Sheet £2.25 (0) Sale peterfogarty 39 High Quality Photos Of Different Forms Of Transport + 31 Fun Teaching Activities For These Cards £2.25 (0) Sale peterfogarty Drawing Figures - PowerPoint Teaching Resource +...
experiments such as creating an artificial rainbow using a prism allows them to see a part of the electromagnetic spectrum; while refraction and reflection can be taught using simple demonstrations involving water and mirrors.This guidedetails some simple yet effective light science exercises for kids....