” while staring at a screen, try mixing things up with some easy and earth-friendly art and craft projects.These projects can be put to use in your home to help your children stretch their brains, spark their imaginations,and even give you a little quiet time to complete some projects of...
Here is a fun project you can create with your kids in your own living room or basement - create a physiogram with a flashlight and piece of string.
81 Fun Things to Do at Home Here is a list of fun things you can try at home. Remember that every family is unique and will have preferences regarding spending quality time together. The following activities are common ones that many households enjoy. 1. Cook Together Do you like watching...
There are many fun, free activities that you can do as a family. All that is required is a bit of imagination and some time set aside for fun. And the best part is that these are the kind of memories a child will remember for a lifetime. Family game nigh
It’s ___.flowerstreeeasyboatdifficult.Finish and readDrawing in the parkLook and recite(背诵) I can play table tennis and I can draw.Tips: 猜猜Miss Su能做什么?Think and guessI can playA:What can you do? B: I can… sing a songswimdraw picturesread booksrunmake a saladplay footballp...
-"Canyoucountfrom1to10?"(你能从1数到10吗?) -"Thisisabignumber,andthatisasmallnumber."(这是一个大数字,那是一个小数字。) -"Writethenumber5."(写下数字5。)八、典型例题讲解1.例题: -教师展示数字卡片,让学生说出卡片上的数字。 -例题:教师展示数字卡片“3”,问:“Whatisthisnumber?”(这是什么...
This is a great way of motivating your child to do homework. The more colorful and fun the stickers are, the more you can use them to help guide your child in certain situations. Like for example, when your child gets stuck in math, let him use the stickers as the numerical values. ...
We love simple projects that look amazing but don’t take a ton of time, supplies, or craftiness to do. Some of these winter art projects might even include a little bit of winter science. Great for preschool, kindergarten and elementary winter activities. If you are stuck indoors, set up...
-Whatkindofclubsdoyoulike?(你喜欢单什么类型的俱乐部?) -Iaminterestedinjoiningthedramaclub.(我对加入戏剧俱乐部很感兴趣。) -Theyorganizedifferenteventseverymonth.(他们每个月都会组织不同的活动。) -Canyouperformaplayforus?(你能为我们表演一个戏剧吗?) -Ienjoymakingnewfriendsandlearningnewthings.(我喜欢...
I can’t find it. The planes go very far. How to pronounce“f”? How to pronounce“v”? Look and say Look and say Look and say 2 Listen to the rhyme and chant . Then find more words. Class is over. It’s time to have fun! In the playground, we love to run. It’s very ...