I Spy is always a favorite game. And you can play it anywhere, anytime. Start with the phrase “I spy with my little eye …” and then add something to look for to practice a phonics skill. For example, you could say “I spy something that begins with the lettern” or “that sta...
John Ellis
Free printable phonics workbooks, phonics games, worksheet templates, 100s of images for worksheets and more. At Fun Fonix you can find resources to support your phonics program and materials even if you are starting from zero.
(See below for an additional 10 printable board games that you can also add to your phonics curriculum.) Each of the phonics games allows for a great deal of phonics rule practice, reading and writing. Each activity has its own merits and there is more information for how to use the ...
Prepare your child for a lifetime of learning with educational toys from LeapFrog! Learn more about tablets for kids, learning games and interactive books.
From literacy activities and colourful certificates that support learning, to display resources and phonics songs to inspire kids and consolidate their learning. See resources Players love us. Reviews “Detective is great! · I have already got the 2nd detective badge and it's great but I'm 8!
Fun with Phonics 为了丰富本园文化生活,营造园内积极学习英语的文化氛围,6月9日上午,碧桂园囍居幼儿园开展了“开启悦读,快乐拼读”为主题的Fun with Phonics的游园活动。本次游园活动设计了形式多样、内容丰富、难度不一的英语拼读游戏,旨在增强孩子开口讲英语的热情和...
Teaching Sight Words With Games Do you want the kids you teach to learn to read, spell and write words while having fun? If so, these editable games are just what you need. They make learning phonics skills and high frequency words fun while also being very effective. Forget the flashcard...
Complete Phonics - Learn all 44 Phonemes with Learning Games • Practice with Flashcards • Phonics Read Alongs The Phonics app for children is a powerful educational tool designed to teach children the 44 phonemes and letter sounds through fun and interactive read along books, learning activit...
Prepare your child for a lifetime of learning with educational toys from LeapFrog! Learn more about tablets for kids, learning games and interactive books.