Welcome, friend! You might like tosubscribe to my newsletterfor freebies and updates orfollow me on Pinterestfor creative ideas. Thanks for visiting! TheLetter X crafts and activitiesare a little more difficult to find since there aren’t many words that start with X that lend themselves to ...
Using this Fun Facts feature is simple. The images below are designed to fit your newsletter's 2- or 3-column format. Just click on the image you want to use in your newsletter and copy and paste it into your school newsletter template.Voila!-- ready-made content for your parent or st...
Are you looking forfun activities for teaching verbs? We have a free printable template that you can use to practice identifying verbs with 1st grade and 2nd grade students. Use theverb printableas a cut-and-pasteverb worksheetsor to make averb craft. Either way, students will have fun reinf...
The photo was taken during my workshop at Tillers International in Michigan. I seem to recall now that included an “honorary” subscription to the MODA Newsletter. I remember this photo well. From left to right are fellow student Julia, her Mom in the back, Instructor Tom, and yours truly...
The post A Lightweight (andFun TakeFunSeriously. Mixingfunwith work creates space for innovation and creativity to grow. It mixesfunwith creativity, innovation, communication, and professional growth. “To We tend to compartmentalize and put work in one box andfunin another; when, with imaginatio...
Using this Fun Facts feature is simple. The images below are designed to fit your newsletter's 2- or 3-column format. Just click on the image you want to use in your newsletter and copy and paste it into your school newsletter template.Voila!-- ready-made content for your parent or st...
Do you love this activity? Pin it for later! join the newsletter & Get your free activity Enter your email to get your activity 10 Books That Build Fine Motor Skills Pipe Cleaner Fine Motor Rainbows Alphabet Fine Motor Tracing Mats
Subscribe to the Phaser Newsletter and we'll email you when new versions are released. Please help support our work via Gittip Welcome to Phaser and What's new in 2.1.3? Over at Goodboy Digital they've been working away on Pixi v2 for some time now. As Phaser is built on-top of Pi...
Below is the first book bag template. This template has two writing areas for students. Students write their names on the ruler and the date is written on the book cover.There are 7 color backpack templates included in this set of teaching resources: blue, yellow, red, green, orange, ...
You can print the pages on the free book report template in either color or black and white. If you print the pages in black and white, students can use crayons, markers, or colored pencils to decorate their sandwich book report. This is perfect for elementary age kids of all ages!