Dive into a meticulously crafted Minecraft modpack for version 1.19.2, where every aspect of gameplay is meticulously enhanced. Encounter smarter mobs and illuminate dark corners with dynamic lighting. Explore innovative energy sources and seamless communication options. Immerse yourself in reimagined villa...
Feel free to use this mod in your modpacks.My RPG mod: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/diablolootNowadays I don't have much time to spend if you are urgent I have an instagram account just for CurseForge.Direct link: https://www.instagram.com/baranhan123/CurseForge - a ...
There sure are a lot of choices when it comes to Minecraft mods, and it can be a little overwhelming. I hope this articles helped you pick out the next exciting mod to improve your Minecraft experience
2.将下载好的材质包放入 .minecraft 里面的 resourcepacks 文件夹中(切勿解压) 3.打开游戏启动器,点击【选项】【资源包】并点击你想要使用的材质包 4.尽情的享受各种材质带来的美妙乐趣吧 光影使用方法: 1.安装 optifine 2.将光影文件放入 .minecraft 里面的 shaderpacks 文件夹中 3.如果你发现没有 shaderpacks...
I'm hoping this mod can provide a foundation of sorts for other mods and mod packs to build on! 在版本1.1.0+中,此mod还添加了齿轮,板和其他合金。我希望这个mod可以为其他mod和mod包提供各种基础! Please note I only work on Minecraft 1.12.2 at this point. No exceptions. Some blocks/items ...
MC-267071 —“download.pack.failed”字符串中的单词“packs”总为复数。 MC-267154 — 使用末影之眼会将minecraft:entity.ender_eye.launch音效事件播放两次。 MC-267230 — 韩文字体渲染得缺失像素。 MC-267441 — 玩家的generic.step_height属性大于2时,如果高于2格的方块上空还有方块,则尝试走上此方块可能会...
Open Minecraft and click on the “Multiplayer” option. And click on the “Add Server” option. And enter your server name and the Server Address here; click on the “Server Resource Packs: Prompt” option and click on Done. it will scan it and show you here, Just click on the “Join...
Yes, much of my singleplayer game attention is still being sucked up by Minecraft, where I’m trying to play both Agrarian Skies and Crash Landing without forgetting what the hell I was doing in the other map, while accumulating a list of other mods and modpacks that look damn interesting...
29:11 天空蜜蜂Sky Bees 2 (4) 整合包下载地址:https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/sky-bees-2/files/3739736 第一集:BV1RA4y1X7Qw 第二集:BV1zF411g7Qx、第三集:BV1w44y1G762 471 0评论3 赞与转发5 0 3 顶部登录哔哩哔哩,高清视频免费看! 更多登录后权益等你解锁...
/give @p minecraft:wooden_sword{weapon_attributes:'{"parent":"bettercombat:claymore"}'} 1 Future plans: Weapon trail animation while hitting Parry (under consideration) Additional weapon attributes (for example: pushback) 🔧 Configuration