打开应用程序支持文件夹,寻找Minecraft。 5、将刚刚下载的mod (.jar文件)放到Mods文件夹中。 6、当你启动我的世界,点击mod按钮,你现在应该看到mod被安装。 我的世界FunItems模组亮点 1.配搭更多的挑战能力才可以通关,那样才可以享受游戏中的更多能力; 2.战斗中加入了创新的俄罗斯方块阵型buff玩法,给玩家提供不同...
In vanilla Minecraft, the baby zombie is one of the more difficult mobs in the game to defeat. It doesn’t spawn often but when it does its small hitbox and incredible movement speed make it a real challenge. The Baby Mods mod gives every single hostile mob its baby counterpart, offering...
My RPG mod: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/diablolootNowadays I don't have much time to spend if you are urgent I have an instagram account just for CurseForge.Direct link: https://www.instagram.com/baranhan123/CurseForge - a world of endless gaming possibilities for modders...
Creative items are the most powerful items and the most important goal of the mod is to reach fan core 4.CurseForge - a world of endless gaming possibilities for modders and gamers alike.Download the best mods and addons! Games All games Minecraft World of Warcraft The Sims 4 Starcraft II...
Fysiks Fun 是一项正在进行的工作,旨在使 Minecraft 世界更加真实,并使其与自然现象一起活跃起来。 它通过添加许多物理效果以及添加一些基于生态的效果来实现。 前一类效果包括使所有液体有限并以“自然”方式流动,对根据作用在它们上的力而下落/破裂的力和块的完整世界计算,以及当您砍倒它们时向侧面倒下的树木. 所...
MOD 今日: 3 |主题: 157|排名: 24 MOD使用方法: 1.在MOD分类下载自己喜欢的MOD 2.安装对应的前置API(Forge/Fabric/Rift) 3.将下载好的MOD放入 .minecraft 里面 mods 对应的Minecraft版本号文件夹中 4.尽情的享受各种MOD带来的美妙乐趣吧子版块 MOD教程 链接到外部地址 12345678910...
The author of the add-on, receives a reward for each download of his mod! Join the community of authors! Recommendations based on the number of mods downloaded for the game Minecraft 4358947232 GTA 5 174832424 Sims 4 1426724694 Fallout 4 ...
Fully-featured metrics collection agent for Minecraft servers. Supports Prometheus and InfluxDB. Dashboard included out-of-box. Kotlin 0 LGPL-3.0 38 0 0 Updated Jul 16, 2023 SlimeFunFolia Public Another slimefun fork that trying to support Folia Java 3 GPL-3.0 2 0 0 Updated Jun 24, ...