Rocky’s rags-to-riches tale took struggling actor/writer, Sylvester Stallone on his own rags-to-riches ride—and viewers on an uplifting journey, rooting for the underdog boxer, and cheering as he triumphs. Enjoy this compilation of trivia and interesting facts about the Rocky movies. Watch ...
Some facts about geography will not only add flavor to a social studies unit but will also wow the students with unexpected answers and fun visuals. Did you know… #1. The smallest country in the world is Vatican City at only 0.2 square miles. The headquarters of the Catholic Church is ...
There’s no doubt about it: kids are sponges when it comes to learning (and picking up on swear words, turns out). We’ve rounded up some fun facts for kids that will entertain and wow them (and you!). For those in search oftrivia for teens, we’ve got you covered as well! Try...
on Celebrities You'd Let Babysit Your Kid COLLECTION48 LISTSThe Life of an ActorLists of fun facts, fascinating trivia, and wild, charming, and even heartbreaking stories about some of the most famous people you feel like you already know. ...
WTF fun facts for kids and people of all ages about yourself, animals, and the things around us. These random snippets might make you a quiz night champ.
Some of these facts are a little astonishing, how many did you already know? 10 Fun Facts You May Not Have Known About New York Want to make some great conversation or impress someone with knowledge? Check out these 10 fun facts about New York State that not many people know. The Amount...
Check out these sweet, fun, and interesting facts about babies born during the month of December: 1. A Rare Red Bow The likelihood of you delivering your child on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day is rare. Parents are likely to CONCEIVE their children during this time of the year because of...
On February 16, KID-AM in Idaho Falls, Idaho began broadcasting. On March 16, WHP-AM in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania began broadcasting. On March 22, KIT-AM in Yakima, Washington began broadcasting. On April 11, KLO-AM in Ogden, Utah began broadcasting. ...
Love him or hate him, Barack Obama is a fascinating man. Before he even became a senator, he'd already lived a pretty action-packed life. Obama has one of those badass rags-to-riches stories that you only hear about in movies. As a kid, he moved around a lot, but eventually settl...
Little Old Lady Kidnapper This little old lady has a secret and when she asks for directions unsuspecting victims get pranked. Fun Facts More Fun Facts Currently less than 7% of the people surveyed think Congress is doing a good job. This is by far the lowest approval rate since they star...