October Public Holidays in 2024 This list contains public holidays and special observances in the United States, Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom. DateHolidayHashtagWhere Observed October 6 Daylight Savings Starts #DaylightSavings Australia October 7 King’s Birthday #KingsBirthday Queensland ...
holiday假期 National Day 国庆节 the Great Wall 长城 excited兴奋的 paper纸 ask问 bottle瓶子 at first 首先 二、词组 1.节日乐趣 holiday fun 2.回到学校 come back to school 3.国庆假日之后 after the National Day holiday 4.拜访我的阿姨 visit my aunt 5.打电话给你 call you 6.在家 at home 7....
2024-2025学年六年级英语上册单元知识点 Unit3《Holidayfun》 一、四会单词 holiday假期NationalDay国庆节theGreatWall长城 excited兴奋的paper纸ask问bottle瓶子atfirst首先 二、词组 1.节日乐趣holidayfun 2.回到学校comebacktoschool 3.国庆假日之后 aftertheNationalDayholiday ...
August is upon us, starting with an old harvest holiday, Lammas Day. Do you know whom August is named after, what August babies are called, and the holidays this month? Are you a fan of this harvest month, which brings the bounty of the season, or do you dislike the hottest month of...
2024 Nutcracker Performances and Live Holiday Theater for Kids Holiday theater for kids makes for a magical memory! Find a local performance of some of our holiday favorites. The Most Unique Holiday Experiences We curated a list of holiday experiences that are new this year or separate themselves...
学科网为您提供Unit3 Holiday fun随堂练习单(同步练)-2024-2025学年译林版(三起)英语六年级上册精品资料,欢迎您下载使用,获取更多译林版(三起)小学英语六年级上册试卷优质资源请关注学科网
六年级英语上册 Unit 3 Holiday fun 知识点梳理一、重点词汇: 1. 假期乐趣 holiday fun 3. 国庆节 National Day 5. 在国庆节假期之后 after the National Day holiday 7. 在家 be at home 9. 拜访我的阿姨 visit my aunt 2. 返回学校 come back to school 4. 国庆节假期 the National Day holiday 6....
1.一Wheredidyougofortheholiday?你假期去了哪里? 一IwenttoShanghaiandvisitedmyaunt.我去了上海,并拜访了我的姨母。 2.一Whatdidyoudothere?你们在那里做了什么? —WewenttotheBundandvisitedtheShanghaiMuseum.我们去了外滩,还参观了上海博物馆。 3.一Howwasyourholiday,Mike?你的假期怎么样,迈克?一Itwasgreat...
1.after the National Day holiday国庆假期后 2. come back to school回到学校 3. see many interesting things看见许多有趣的东西 4. call you打电话给你 5. visit the Shanghai Museum参观上海博物馆 6. go to the Bund去外滩 7. a farm near Star Lake星星湖边的一个农场 ...
a hotel that does all the cooking, decorating, and sometimes even the shopping for you. Step inside a gingerbread mansion at theFairmont San Franciscoor skate on the beach at theHotel Del CoronadoonCoronado Island. Check out our list of moreCalifornia holiday hotelsthat pull out all the stops...