We rounded up 3 fun, senior-friendly games that are perfect for seniors with dementia. They’re inexpensive and easy to adapt for different ability levels. Plus, these activities are flexible. They can be played by your older adult alone, together with you, or with family as a group activi...
If you’re an avid note-taker, then you know that a stylus is the best way to go about it. Whether you’re in college or at work, an active pen gives you the freedom to write down your thoughts and ideas with the precision of a ballpoint pen but without all the hassle of lugging...
These fun shapes can be used in a variety of ways. Seniors can use the included boards to create colorful pictures, make free form shapes, or trace the shapes on paper. Recommended for you: 6 Ways to Calm Dementia Fidgeting Hands Physical Activities for Seniors with Dementia: 12 Exercise Id...
Discover an engaging selection of games and activities for seniors to play, tailored specifically to enhance their enjoyment and social interaction.
Memory games not only help senior citizens improve their memory but also alleviate loneliness, and, to an extent, reduce their health problems. Many brain-related health problems such as Alzheimer's, dementia and anxiety could be controlled or reduced wi
The National Institute on Agingreports that there are many benefits that seniors can gain by devoting some time to doing an activity or engaging in a hobby. Some of these benefits include: A reduced risk for developing health problems such as dementia ...
By participating in new activities and socially engaging with others, older adults may experience a reduced risk of conditions like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.5 Outdoor Activities for Older AdultsRegular exercise helps strengthen muscles and improve balance. The CDC recommends that all adults ...
Are you looking for the best board games to give as gifts to your parents or grandparents? My Latest Videos If so, then you’ve landed on the right page! In this post, we share with you the 15 best board games for seniors and the elderly. We have reviewed these games thoroughly and...
18 seniors could be found kicking around shuttlecocks, and playing tops and marbles in the center on Tuesday. "These activities are my favorite in my childhood," said Ma Jun, 61, one of the residents in the district. "I've come for this play date once a week to tackle my loneliness....
Also: Fight dementia! Did you know that playing games can help seniors keep their minds sharp - while having fun? If you're a senior, or you care about someone elderly, lead them to our geography and brain games (or other games) as a way to help keep their minds healthy and stave...