How to Come Up with Interesting Facts About Yourself You likely don't spend a lot of your spare time thinking about yourself and interesting tidbits to share with others. But when you're trying to get to know someone new, or you just want to keep the conversation going, it's good to ...
Here are 60 ideas you can steal the next time you’re asked to give ‘fun facts about me’ to a new employer, school, group hang, date, you name it.
This takes the pressure off of the individual to come up with fun facts on the spot. Plus, it’s easy to share and so the entire team can get to know a bit about each other. But professional settings aren’t the only place where you can share an about me video. Use these FREE ...
We all want to make a good first impression. We also want others to know who we are and our likes and dislikes. Often, however, it is difficult to know what to share about yourself in different situations. You can create your own list of fun facts about yourself, or course. But in ...
Have you ever wondered how many times you’ve walked around the world, where your smallest bone is, or what a Jesus Nut is? Well, get your answers here and so much more with these 100 random facts that you will love to know!
1001 Facts to Make your Brain Explode! Even if you visit every day to get your dosis of new facts —just like over 1 million visitors do every month—, in this book you'll find facts you've never seen before! Check it out on Amazon » ALL...
The whole point of sharing fun facts is to break the ice between a new group of people so they can get to know each other. In an interview, you probably want to share something that makes you more hirable by catching the interviewer’s interest. ...
95 Fun Facts That Will Amaze You American flags left on the moon will eventually get bleached white by the sun.[23] While they are hibernating, bears do not urinate. Their bodies convert waste into protein.[23] White-faced capuchin monkeys greet each other by sticking their fingers up each...
WTF Fun Facts is updated daily with interesting & funny random facts. We post about health, celebs/people, places, animals, history information and much more. New facts all day - every day!
We might not know a lot about the world yet compared to how much is out there, but we always discover new things about it. This huge selection of fun facts will definitely make you the most interesting person in the room – but #300 is pretty gross. Table of Contents Fun Facts Infog...