* | Tags: Fun facts Just don’t think you can send enough bricks to build a house or, perhaps a bank. Been there. Done that. You can read about the bank of Vernal, UT, here. Kids in the mail?? Do not try to ship your kids!! In the early days of Parcel Post, a few pa...
Steer’s first residence in Portland was in Nob Hill, at the Nathan Simon House – 2144 NW Flanders Street—an elegant 1880s structure that matched her growing stature. She was a woman who defied the norms of her time, carving out a successful career in an industry dominated by men. Whil...
If there was no British weather, there wouldn’t be Muddy Puddles and that’s why we’re so obsessed with the weather. After all, ourwaterproof outerwearis designed to prepare your brave explorers for its unreliability. Here are some brilliant fun facts about our weather. ...
Learn fun facts and stats about the Midwest’s biggest city — from record-breaking firsts and celebrated Chicago natives to interesting tidbits and fascinating city history. City facts Chicago rests on 234 square miles of land. Chicago is the third largest city in the U.S. and is home to...
April Fun Facts: British researchers found that the scent of rosemary improves memory by 5-7%. Rosemary is believed to ward off evil spirits. April Birth Month Bird: Duck Ducks hold a sacred status in both Christian and Hindu cultures, symbolizing purity and good luck. These sociable and ...
One of the most intriguing fun facts about Argentina is that you could dig a hole to China from there. As a feat usually done by cartoon or comic book characters, traveling to China underground is possible in theory, but not so much in practice. Underground conditions such as heat, pressur...
Pink Moon: Full Micromoon for April 2025 The Month of November 2024: Holidays, Fun Facts, Folklore Apr. 5 (first Saturday in April):International Pillow Fight Day Apr. 7 (first Monday in April):Sweet Potato Day Apr. 7:National No Housework Day ...
So many people were trying to give big donations of gold and silver to temples that the government had very little gold left in its own treasuries. Closing temples was one way to get the gold and silver back, and that is what happened. There were massive closures of monasteries and temples...
What are some fun facts, trivia, and history events from the year 1935? What were the top news stories in the U.S. and around the world, and what major events took place in the business and financial sectors? How much did a gallon of gas cost, and what happened in science, technolog...
which begins with Aries. For those with an April birthday, longer days and the renewal of seasons have imbued April babies with bubbly personalities and positive outlooks. Here are some other fun facts (like what’s April’s birthstone) and traits of people born in April, the fourth of the...