Steer’s first residence in Portland was in Nob Hill, at the Nathan Simon House – 2144 NW Flanders Street—an elegant 1880s structure that matched her growing stature. She was a woman who defied the norms of her time, carving out a successful career in an industry dominated by men. Whil...
Here is a summary of the top news stories and history events that happened in 1929: On October 29, “Black Tuesday hit Wall Street as investors traded some 16 million shares on the New York Stock Exchange in a single day. Billions of dollars were lost, wiping out thousands of investors. ...
January 16: The FBI gunned down the Barker Gang, including Ma Barker, during a shootout in Florida. The Barker-Karpis Gang was responsible for three kidnappings, 10 murders, and thefts of more than $1 million during a three-year rampage—primarily in the Midwest—that began in 1931. Wikip...
See the mint juleps looks like and learn how to make it, find out what to wear to the Derby, get some ideas while checking out some the most famous and outrageous Derby hats and much more. For even more interesting facts about the Kentucky Derby, click here....
Just as in a compare-contrast essay, several research objects can be used here. A cause-effect piece on this theme is a comprehensive study of factors that arise for reason of a famous disaster that happened in 1986. All the world’s religions are similar. ...
Two fun facts here. First up, the company Porter Cable was founded in Syracuse. That you may have known. Did you know that in 1926 they invented the belt sander though right in Syracuse too? Brannock Device Getty Images Brannock Device While working at his father's shoe store, Charles F...
Have you ever wondered what happened to what’s-her-name from high school? How about that person from your past who changed the course of your life by offering sage advice? Or your kid’s best friend from preschool who moved away? Go online and play sleuth. Not only might you find out...
With a storied history in the Magic City for the better part of 70 years, let's take a look at some of the players and fun facts about the Billings Mustangs.
Maybe you’ve done your own fair share of icebreaker activities in staff meetings or during an orientation, but they were called openers or challenges that just so happened to kick things off? Then you know they can help give people something to talk about and help them quickly build up a...
With a storied history in the Magic City for the better part of 70 years, let's take a look at some of the players and fun facts about the Billings Mustangs.