Fun Facts教材原文与译文Reading for knowledge Some scientists were working in a spaceship in outer space.一些科学家正在外太空的宇宙飞船里工作。The scientists looked out of the window. They could see the这些科学家向窗外看。他们能看见planet Earth. It looked like a blue and white ball3.地球这颗行...
Some of the things we do know, however, are downright mind-boggling. Below, we've collected some of the most amazing facts about space, so when you look up at the stars you can be ever more wowed by what you're looking at.
A postage stamp was inside the New Horizons spacecraft that made a flyby of Pluto in July 2015. That's the farthest distance traveled by a postage stamp - more than 3 billion miles. So noted by the Guinness World Records. * | Tags: Fun facts Innovation Stamps The “Pluto: Not Yet ...
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根据There are many other man-made objects visible from space, but because the Great Wall is made from rocks gathered in the surrounding area, it doesn’t stand out against the landscape enough to be visible.可知答案,故选D。 根据 It would be fairly comforting if true, but reality doesn't...
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Fun Facts有趣的事实 Reading for knowledge为知识而阅读 Some scientists were workingin a spaceship in outer space.一些科学家在外层空间的宇宙飞船中工作。The scientists looked out of the window.科学家们向窗外望去。They could...
50 Spider-Man Fun Facts To Make You the Most Amazing, Spectacular, and Friendly Neighborhood Spidey Nerd on the Block Discover the history of Spider-Man, his powers, iconic villains, love interests, and the role he plays in the Marvel Universe. Here are 50 Spider-Man fun facts — a must...
Outer Space Facts For Kids Exploring the cosmos is full of wonder and adventures. Check out some really fun and interesting outer space facts for kids. Explore the moon, Neptune and much more! You will never get bored learning these interesting facts about space!