Each day the Postal Service picks up, processes and delivers millions of letters and packages. No single operation in the world comes close to this level of connectivity for so many households and businesses. * | Tags: Fun facts One day USPS OWNEY the postal dog On an autumn day in ...
Fireworks are always a spectacular thing to see. When welcoming the New Year or celebrating a special day, people would turn on fireworks. Apparently, the … 15 Spectacular Fireworks FactsRead More 15 Unique Rainbow Facts That Rainbow Lovers Should Know ...
Facts about the Rainforests The Amazon rainforest covers 7 million square kilometres ( 5% of the Earth’s total land area ). In the rainforest, there are only 2 seasons, the rainy season and the dry season. Even in the dry season, it rains almost every day. Around one-quarter of the...
There's only one way to find out — quizzing each other with these Halloween fun facts. Over the centuries, everyone's favorite spooky holiday has evolved from a festival with religious origins to a night dedicated to mischief and mayhem to one of the most commercialized, candy-filled ...
The Fact Site is the #1 source for the most interesting and fun facts. Get a daily dose of facts about animals, celebs, food, history, space, and more!
Halloween Facts For Kids More 4th Of July Facts For KidsCongress had made Independence Day an unpaid holiday in the year 1870. Later in the year 1938, Congress changed it into a paid holiday. The stars on the US flag were initially drawn in a circle. This distinction was made to make...
WTF fun facts for kids and people of all ages about yourself, animals, and the things around us. These random snippets might make you a quiz night champ.
Fun science facts for kids, interesting science articles for kids, science news and curious everyday questions answered through a science lens
Search Ireland Fun Facts: The top sections areIreland Fun Facts,Irish Culture & Traditions, Unusual Travel IdeasandModern-Day Ireland. I first visited Ireland in 1975, when it was a poor country disconnected from the modern world. You may be surprised to find that today, it’s one of the...
*BASED ON NATIONAL SALES DATA MIKE AND IKE®Fun Facts MIKE AND IKE® Brand was introduced in 1940. Each MIKE AND IKE® chewy candy has only 6 calories and 0 grams of fat. More than 8.7 million pieces of MIKE AND IKE® candies are produced during a typical 7-hour school day. ...