If you are headed toRome with children, you might think it difficult to keep their attentions on the wonders of Ancient Rome. But sometimes those Ancient Romans did some strange things that your kids might find strange and interesting too. 1. Rome was founded by two brothers nursed by a sh...
Discover Rome with these47 interesting facts about Rome! They include facts aboutAncient Rome, aboutmodern Rome, and somefun factstoo! TABLE OF CONTENTS[show] The Main Rome Facts 1. Rome was founded in 753 BC by Romulus The exact date of the foundation of Rome is not accurate. Here’s th...
Humans and dogs go all the way back to the time of ancient civilizations like in Egypt and Rome. In the early civilizations, dogs were … Human’s Longest Best Friend: Must Know Hunting Dog FactsRead More Did you know that the sea otter was nearly extinct a century ago? After decades ...
Jose Fuste Raga / Getty Images The ancient Chinese are said to have three doctrines:Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism. Christianity and Islam arrived only in the 7th century. Laozi, according to tradition, was the 6th century BCE Chinese philosopher who wrote the Tao Te Ching of Taoism. The ...
Too often we are saddled with stereotypes of the past that are unfortunately passed on to our children. There has always been a vibrant and vital role of women in our military, but it’s important to emphasize the history and facts of those contributions. The Pennsylvania Veterans Museum has...
2)Nearly one in four Americans (65 million people) are currently living with an incurable sexually transmitted disease (STD), which is why you should live by “a tisket, a tasket, a condom or a casket”. –CDC FACTS 3)We know men and women tend to lie on self reported surveys, but...
From animals and geography to science, nature and history, there are so many amazing facts for kids just waiting to be discovered by young explorers like you!Uncover curious creatures from both land and sea, ancient mysteries and civilisations, incredible destinations and natural wonders – prepare...
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justramblinon April 24, 2013: This was such a fascinating read. I love learning about Asian culture. You've introduced so many new facts today such as the religious freedom afforded the people during that time. What a well-researched job you've done. ...