* | Tags: Fun facts Just don’t think you can send enough bricks to build a house or, perhaps a bank. Been there. Done that. You can read about the bank of Vernal, UT, here. Kids in the mail?? Do not try to ship your kids!! In the early days of Parcel Post, a few pa...
Ten fun facts about Mexico1. Mexico's Influence on the World's Cuisine is Unforgettable Mexico is a country that has had a huge impact on the world's cuisine. Not only did it introduce chocolate, chilies, and corn to the world, but it also gave us a variety of other ingredients and ...
3. Multiple Choice 1 min 1 pt Cinco de Mayo is a holiday that celebrates what? Mexico's independence from Spain Sinking of the Titanic Invention of Mayonnaise Mexico's victory over France Answer explanation Cinco de Mayo (Spanish for "Fifth of May") is a yearly celebration, which ...
15 Amazing Facts About Orca That Will Surprise YouRead More 15 Awesome Fun Facts About Alabama You Must Know Alabama is a state of the United States located in the Southeastern region, bordered by Tennessee, Georgia, Florida and the Gulf of Mexico, and Mississippi. … ...
16. All beaches in Mexico are public This is one of our favorite facts about Mexico for both tourists and locals! This rule includes all the beaches andthings to do in Cancun, Acapulco,Tulum, Los Cabo – everywhere. They’re all under federal ownership and can be used by anybody. How’...
Random and fun facts to bring out at your next dinner party, about biology, animals, geography and more, for children and adults!
Fun Facts about Skunks for KidsMost skunks are black with two white stripes down their backs. A few are spotted white and black all over. Apart from the US, skunks can be found in central Canada and Northern Mexico. Skunks get into garbage cans and compost bins. They eat pet food and ...
Some fun and interesting facts about Mexico. We cover everything from financial information such as tipping right up to it's rich cultural heritage and...
"Fun Fax" (illustrated fun facts) byJoe Archibald. "In Days of Yore" by Rich, nonfiction comic running across the bottom 1/6th of theIvanhoepage. "Junior Funsters" (illustrated features) byConnie Naar. "The Magdalena Kid" (text story) byWilliam H. Cook. ...
WTF fun facts for kids and people of all ages about yourself, animals, and the things around us. These random snippets might make you a quiz night champ.