Chicago is a city rich with history and we've created a list of fun facts about the city's population, history, attractions and many more interesting stories.
More Continent Facts for Kids 11.North Americais a continent which is located entirely on the northern and western hemisphere.There are 23 countries in total on the North American continent. North American countries are: the United States of America (USA) ...
The month of April gets its name from the Latin wordaperio, meaning “to open [bud],” because plants really begin to grow now.Read more about how the months got their names. April Calendar April 1is All Fools’ Day—otherwise known as “April Fools’ Day.”Where did this silly day c...
August 14: President Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act into law. The Act “established old-age benefits for retirees, benefits for the jobless, as well as aid for dependent mothers and children, victims of work-related accidents, people who are blind, and those who have physical disabili...
March 17: General Motors acquired 80% of the German auto manufacturer Adam Opel for just under $26 million. March 23: President Herbert Hoover had a telephone installed at his desk. April 15: Canadian Johnny Miles won the 33rd Boston Marathon for the second time. ...
The modern green water tower and the land under it sold in June 1922 for $450,000 according to an April 22, 2023Willamette Weekarticle “Why Is Portland Selling Off Its Water Tanks?”. Cities rise and fall based on access to water. St. Johns is no different reemerged with Portland in...
Tomb-Sweeping Day, which falls on the 4th or 5th of April on the Gregorian calendar, is a day dedicated to remembering and honoring ancestors. Families visit the graves of their loved ones, clean them, and make offerings of food and incense. It's a time for reflection...
—WTF fun facts Source:“You can now buy a flame-throwing robot dog for under $10,000” — Ars Technica Leave a comment WTF Fun Fact 13731 – The Weight of the Internet April 25, 2024 Have you ever stopped to consider the weight of the internet? Ok, probably not. ...
Shark Fun Facts Pack Narwhal Fun Facts Pack More Printable Ocean Activities Pin Post navigation PreviousBest Flubber Recipe Next How To Make Tie Dye Paper We have a PASSION for SLIME, and are dedicated to helping you make the best slime ever. Questions? Just ask us! We also LOVE science an...
April Fun Facts: The diamond was once thought to ward off the evil-eye, which was believed to cause sickness, poverty, and even death. April’s birthstone, the diamond, is often noted for its colorless clarity, but it also comes in a rainbow of beautiful hues ranging from rose to sunn...