Postal Facts 2024 provides the public with information about the U.S. Postal Service. The facts in this publication may be reproduced for the purpose of stating the fact itself, in a business, informational or academic context and the like, and in the body of text discussing factual subject ...
Aquatic Sloth Facts One of the most surprising sloth facts is their proficiency in water. Despite their arboreal lifestyle, sloths are excellent swimmers. They can hold their breath underwater for up to 40 minutes, an ability that surpasses that of many aquatic animals. This skill is facilitated...
Diamonds and daisies and Earth Day, oh my! April is a lovely time to welcome new life into the world. Here are fun facts about April babies.
This was such a fascinating read. I love learning about Asian culture. You've introduced so many new facts today such as the religious freedom afforded the people during that time. What a well-researched job you've done. mrdataon April 23, 2013: Thanks for sharing this interesting lens an...
Chicago is a city rich with history and we've created a list of fun facts about the city's population, history, attractions and many more interesting stories.
All Entries Much Abbreviated from A.L. Barbur entry inThe Greater Portland Plan: and Municipal Facts published October 1912 1843 The city [of Portland] was foundedby Wm. Overton was named by F.W. Pettygrove after his native town of Portland, Maine [1845]. ...
The Month of July 2024: Holidays, Fun Facts, Folklore Apr. 5 (first Saturday in April):International Pillow Fight Day Apr. 7 (first Monday in April):Sweet Potato Day Apr. 7:National No Housework Day Apr. 10:Gopher Tortoise Day(Florida) ...
—WTF fun facts Source:“The World Contained in a Strawberry” — Futurism Leave a comment WTF Fun Fact 13729 – The White Shark Cafe April 23, 2024 The White Shark Cafe is a mysterious mid-Pacific region where great white sharks gather. This area, located between Hawaii and Baja California...
—WTF fun facts Source:“35,000-year-old flute is oldest known musical instrument” — LA Times Leave a comment WTF Fun Fact 13347 – Metallica Concert in Antarctica April 28, 2023 Would you attend a Metallica concert in Antarctica? It may have been cold, but it was also history-making....
30 fun facts about China Subscribe for more interesting videos about China: 1) China is officially known as thePeople’s Republic of China. 2) As of July 2023, China is thesecond most populous country in the world, with over 1.4 billion people(1,425,671,352). This is based onWorldomete...