15. Vietnam is a nation of football fans. In asurvey, 80% of Vietnamese people said they would choose to watch the World Cup instead of go to work! These fun facts about Vietnam are just the start of your discovery of this amazing country. Join us atMr Linh’s Adventures on exciti...
Deciding the best time to visit Vietnam greatly depends upon different factors, for example, celebrations and occasions. The best time to visit Vietnam is from December through February. As that is when the temperatures are milder, and the downpour is insignificant. There are a number of good ...
Find out the fun facts Hubertus von Hohenlohe learned about Ho Chi Minh City while in Vietnam, from the tradition breakfast noodle, to the traffic lights, the amount of motorbikes in the city and more. Urban Culture Save European Works ...
Some Fun an d Interesting Facts Do you think what colour oranges are? The common answer to this question is "Orange". However, the first oranges from Southeast Asi a were actually green. Up to now,oranges in warmer areas like Vietnam an d Thailan d still stay green when they are fully...
Here are 10 interesting facts you should know about the Great Wall of China, such as where it starts, how long it is, and how old it is. Find the answers!
Some Fun and Interesting FactsDo you think what color oranges are? The common answer to this question is “Orange".However, the first oranges from Southeast Asia were actually green. Up to now, oranges in warmerareaslike Vietnam and Thailand still stay green when they are fully grown.There ...
Thailand became a U.S. treaty ally in 1954 after sending troops to Korea and later fighting alongside the U.S. in Vietnam. Since 2005, Thailand has experienced several rounds of political turmoil including a military coup in 2006 that ousted then Prime Minister Thaksin Chinnawat, followed by ...
Random and fun facts to bring out at your next dinner party, about biology, animals, geography and more, for children and adults!
【题目】Some Fun and Interesting FactsDo you think what color oranges are? T he common answer to this question is "Orange". However, the first oranges fromSoutheast Asia were actually green. Up to now, oranges in warmer areas like V ietnam andT hailand still stay green when they are ...
The wildly popular Alien film franchise is beloved by fans and a commonly held cultural icon, but what behind-the-scenes facts and Alien trivia might you not ...