“With more than 200 publications across the nation, our public service is to provide readers with the facts that matter and the trusted information they need to make informed decisions.” Editors of affiliate publications may still endorse state and local-level ...
Metaphors were soaring last night, but facts took a beating in Trump’s State of the Union speech. #SOTU recap via W… https://t.co/3SNushxdaz Retweet nycjim 51 minutes ago Trump’s Strong Speech https://t.co/XgSjW8sSPk https://t.co/VwDn30uMYD Retweet ...
John Adams (Oct. 30, 1735 to July 4, 1826) served from 1797 through 1801. He was the nation's second president and had previously served as George Washington's vice president. Adams was the first to live inthe White House; he and his wife Abigail moved into the executive mansion in 18...