During the civil war General Hooker had huge groups of women follow around his troops and satisfy their urges. These lovely ladies were called “Hookers”. In every war, soldiers seem to max out on the STD’s and the Civil War was no different. In 1861 the Union Army Medical Department ...
Candy Land was created 70 years ago to give kids stuck in polio wards a way to vicariously move freely in the pursuit of delights. The original board featured a boy in a leg brace about to walk through starting gate of the game.[29] Just 30 minutes of daily complaining can physically d...
According to his Wikipedia entry, there are some other random fun facts about the cartoon character: “Shaggy’s old nickname was Buzz (apparently for hisbuzz cut) until his 10th birthday. Fred says that, contrary to what people believe, Shaggy is not skinny because Scooby is always stealing ...
Find out some interesting facts about the law. Browse Law Facts Antarctica is the only land on our planet that is not owned by any country. The IRS employees tax manual has instructions for collecting taxes after a nuclear war. A man gets robbed in London every 4.5 minutes!
Learn about the world-famous civil rights campaigner… 10 facts about polar bears! Discover these brilliant beasts of the Arctic… QUIZ What is the largest species of bird? Ostrich Emperor penguin Emu Bald eagle OK 10 facts about honey bees! Find out all about our brilliant bees! Ho...
WTF fun facts for kids and people of all ages about yourself, animals, and the things around us. These random snippets might make you a quiz night champ.
For a show that was on the air for such a brief time, there are a lot of entertaining stories from its cast and crew. The following fun facts about Firefly delve into the early days of production, the final days of shooting on the series, and even some ideas that were thrown a...
61 Fun Facts About Money #1. One bill weighs 1 gram, and 454 bills equal one pound. This means if you have $1 million in singles, it would weigh over 1 ton! A suitcase of $1 million in $100 bills weighs over 20 pounds!
Pygmy hippos need to eat40-50 kgof vegetation every single day. As humans clear the forest, there is not sufficient food for these animals to thrive. Pygmy Hippopotamus Facts Now you know all about pygmy hippos, how aboutbooking a safarito see them in West Africa?
Where did Mardi Gras originate? What state has its own flavor? Where can you find the largest living organism? Here are 50 fun facts about US states.