Lady Gaga tweeted RuPaul to ask to be a judge on his reality TV competition, RuPaul's Drag Race. Fans of Gaga and RuPaul can certainly get behind this collaboration. Can I PLEASE be a judge on drag race! @RuPaul I started out in these club, these women taught me how to serve!
Lady Gaga tweeted RuPaul to ask to be a judge on his reality TV competition, RuPaul's Drag Race. Fans of Gaga and RuPaul can certainly get behind this collaboration. Can I PLEASE be a judge on drag race! @RuPaul I started out in these club, these women taught me how to serve!
Lady Gaga tweeted RuPaul to ask to be a judge on his reality TV competition, RuPaul's Drag Race. Fans of Gaga and RuPaul can certainly get behind this collaboration. Can I PLEASE be a judge on drag race! @RuPaul I started out in these club, these women taught me how to serve!
Lady Gaga tweeted RuPaul to ask to be a judge on his reality TV competition, RuPaul's Drag Race. Fans of Gaga and RuPaul can certainly get behind this collaboration. Can I PLEASE be a judge on drag race! @RuPaul I started out in these club, these women taught me how to serve!
Lady Gaga tweeted RuPaul to ask to be a judge on his reality TV competition, RuPaul's Drag Race. Fans of Gaga and RuPaul can certainly get behind this collaboration. Can I PLEASE be a judge on drag race! @RuPaul I started out in these club, these women taught me how to serve!
Lady Gaga tweeted RuPaul to ask to be a judge on his reality TV competition, RuPaul's Drag Race. Fans of Gaga and RuPaul can certainly get behind this collaboration. Can I PLEASE be a judge on drag race! @RuPaul I started out in these club, these women taught me how to serve!
Lady Gaga tweeted RuPaul to ask to be a judge on his reality TV competition, RuPaul's Drag Race. Fans of Gaga and RuPaul can certainly get behind this collaboration. Can I PLEASE be a judge on drag race! @RuPaul I started out in these club, these women taught me how to serve!
Lady Gaga tweeted RuPaul to ask to be a judge on his reality TV competition, RuPaul's Drag Race. Fans of Gaga and RuPaul can certainly get behind this collaboration. Can I PLEASE be a judge on drag race! @RuPaul I started out in these club, these women taught me how to serve!
Lady Gaga tweeted RuPaul to ask to be a judge on his reality TV competition, RuPaul's Drag Race. Fans of Gaga and RuPaul can certainly get behind this collaboration. Can I PLEASE be a judge on drag race! @RuPaul I started out in these club, these women taught me how to serve!
Lady Gaga tweeted RuPaul to ask to be a judge on his reality TV competition, RuPaul's Drag Race. Fans of Gaga and RuPaul can certainly get behind this collaboration. Can I PLEASE be a judge on drag race! @RuPaul I started out in these club, these women taught me how to serve!