People who have radios can hear these broadcasts, which means that a lot of people can be informed about important events at the same time. Radio broadcasts have been used for a long time to let people know about disasters, like floods or earthquakes, war news, and other important events.... tells us that “After being introduced during World War I, radios became a common feature in American homes of the 1920s. Hundreds of radio stations popped up over the course of the decade. These stations developed and broadcasted news, serial stories, and political speeches. M...
This article teaches you fun facts, trivia, and history events from the year 1935. Find out about popular movies, sports facts and best-selling books, food and fashion trends, Nobel laureates and Oscar winners, popular music artists and songs, famous birthdays and deaths, economic and tech new...
Even former President of South Africa, Nelson Mandella has one of these radios and personally recommends this product to others. 40. What does the clockwork radio use to run it? A. Batteries. B. Electricity. C. A clockwork generator. D. Wind power. ...
Other fun facts about Fitzgerald In addition to having a famous relative, revealed that Fitzgerald was also an awful speller. That’s pretty impressive since he made his living writing before the days of the spell checker. Luckily, he lived in the days of good editors. ...
Fun Facts: Stuff to make German Armor Fans Cry. The M4A1 Sherman Was So Advanced In Design; The Germans Could Not Have Produced A Copy. (The M3A1 Lee as well) Even if they had been given the blueprints. They simply lacked the technology to make a large casting like the whole upper ...
Space is an incredibly vast and mysterious place, full of fascinating facts and stories. We’ll be exploring the top 10 facts about space. From planets, the Moon, Sun and stars, more »
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15 Little Known Facts About Central and Upstate New York Some of us know one or two of these facts about Upstate New York, but here is a list of documented things about the region that are not so widely known. Did you know that...LOOK...
Through hilarious pratfalls and amazing animal ‘wow facts’, the Wild Kratts read more... The Three Little Pigs, April 27-Aug 12, 2016 Meet Roxanne, Petunia, and Babe…three Sister Piggies who set out to build their own houses. Roxanne (the Rock’n Roll Pig) builds hers out of ...