France Fact File...General Information and Facts about France, Population: 65,951,611 (July 2013 est.) Size of Country: 547,030 sq km (slightly smaller...
1001 Facts to Make your Brain Explode! Even if you visit every day to get your dosis of new facts —just like over 1 million visitors do every month—, in this book you'll find facts you've never seen before! Check it out on Amazon » ALL... 0 Tue, 05 Oct 2021 05:10:52 +0000 Co...
But the whole reason we’re here is that this tradition came to light on May 2, 2022, when Prince Charles gave a speech at the opening of Parliament on behalf of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II. The Queen is suffering from intermittent mobility issues, so much of the royal family went i...
Random and fun facts to bring out at your next dinner party, about biology, animals, geography and more, for children and adults!
You may be familiar with a murder of crows, a gaggle of geese, or a parliament of owls, but what about flamingos? Flamingos are social birds and form colonies that can include tens of thousands …Read more Can Ducks Eat Strawberries? (Do’s and Don’ts) ...
77 fun facts about Austria This post is part of a series of fun facts posts I’m doing for every country I have articles about here on the blog. Given their nature, these posts are research-based and even though a lot of time has gone into them, it’s still possible a mistake has...
Enjoy reading funny sex stories, strange, weird, bizarre and sex news; find funny stories, news and facts about our crazy world
Fun and Tasty Food Facts for Kids Spark an even greater interest in food with surprising facts about their favorite ingredients. Fruit Facts for Kids Apples are made up of 25 percent air, which is why they float in water. Bananas are berries! Botanically speaking, a berry must have three...
Ten fun facts about Ireland1. The Irish Flag: A Symbol of National Pride The Irish flag, which dates back to the 1800s, is a symbol of the nation's long and proud history. It features three vertical stripes of green, white, and orange, representing the country's Catholic, Protestant, ...