Neanderthals were very much like us but there were a few differences. More to click... Top 10 Facts About The Sahara Desert! Top 10 Facts About Bees! Top 10 Facts About Electricity! They had slightly different skulls from us. Their bodies were a bit shorter and wider!
Croatia, in 1899. Over six years of excavations at this site, 876 Neanderthal fossils were unearthed from a sand-filled rock shelter, representing at least 75 individuals of all ages and sexes. The Krapina Neanderthals constitute the largest Neanderthal found in Europe and offer an unprecedented w...
Top 10 Facts About Amazing Pylons Tool-makers (called homo habilis) Fire-makers (called homo erectus) Neanderthals (called homo neanderthalensis) Modern humans (called homo sapiens). That’s us! They also created artwork… 3. In the early Stone Age, humans lived in caves. Yes, they didn’...
No, on reflection, that would probably be better than the procession of Neanderthals she seems to be specialising in at the moment. After all, anoraks have mastered the art of walking, communicate above the level of a grunt and most of them don't drool. If I have one teeny weeny ...
One book I recently enjoyed wasThe Martian, a novel about an astronaut stranded on Mars who needs to figure out how to survive and get home with minimal supplies. It was a little heavy on the science, but I liked learning a couple things while reading it. I also enjoyedFlash Boysby Mic...
Neanderthals may have used blackmanganesedioxide as a cosmetic 50 000 years ago. About half of the crudesteelconsumed every year is made from recycled material. Cracks start by atomic separation of single electronic bonds but they can lead to catastrophic failure of huge structures. This makes the...