这位独特个体的“fun facts”,不仅让我们看到了他丰富多彩的生活和独特的个性魅力,也让我们感受到了他对生活的热爱和对未来的期待。在这个充满无限可能的世界里,让我们一起期待他未来更多的精彩故事吧!
前言 随着六月六日凌晨的钟声敲响,明天高考的号角即将吹响。今天,让我们一同走进衡水一中的故事,回顾我在那里的成长之路,为即将踏上征程的你们加油壮行。在衡中之前 故事要从初三说起。那时候在家偶然发现了一本《高等数学》,破破烂烂的,那是父母上大学时留下的同济绿皮高数初版。起初,我只在上厕...
Should you tell that funny college story or a childhood secret? What “fun fact” should you share that won’t sound boring or braggadocious? If you have no idea what to say, here are the best ideas for the next time you get asked to share “fun facts about me” at work, school,...
No matter how often you’re asked, coming up with “fun facts about me” that are genuinely fun and work-appropriate never seems to get any easier. From interviews to your first day of a new job, to team building activities and networking events, a few fun facts can break the ice and...
some fun facts about me: 1. 出门时耳机总是没电 2. 总是在厕所换上新垃圾袋的那一天拉屎 3. 人生理想是浑浑噩噩地活过这一生&如图 4. 5千理财会理到只剩2千 不如买点东西吃吃得了 5. 看一个人烦就会一直烦 一直...
Sharing “fun facts about me” is a great method for breaking the tension of being with an unfamiliar person or group of people. While the facts that add up to who you are might not seem super fun initially, there are a lot of interesting details you can pull from your experiences to ...
Interesting Facts About Me Sometimes we want to personalize a statement about ourselves, but we find it difficult to do so. The following facts can have several endings, either simple or intriguing. Our examples let you choose how you want to influence the conversation. Some are funny, some ...
Fun Facts About Me I can only write with my notebook turned sideways. When I was a kid, I wrote with it turned upside down. I write, catch, and eat with my right hand. Everything else – batting, shooting a basket, holding a golf club, etc. is done with my left....