Check out this list for all the facts you could ever want about hippos! If you'd rather learn about a different animal we have plenty of other facts where this one came from - take a look at thesecheetah facts,swan facts, or even theseslimy snail facts! *Nocturnal means they're most ...
Pygmy hippos are on the same genetic line as hippos and share thesame walking whale ancestor. 7. Incredible lungs designed for a life in the water When going underwater,hippos hold their breath. Just like whales, pygmy hippos havespecially designed lungsthat can fill quicker than those of oth...
A humorous sketch about striking gold at the old folks home - who knew they had so many party pharmaceuticals. Fun Facts More Fun Facts What hippos lack in swimming skills they more than make up with their ability to hold their breath for long periods of time. A thick membrane covers thei...
Hippos make their own sunscreen. And it’s all natural! Sunny Hippos Hippos spend a significant amount of time submerged in water to keep cool under the hot African sun. However, they can’t stay underwater forever. When they emerge, they’re exposed to the same UV radiation that has us...
当当华研外语旗舰店在线销售正版《Hippos Can't Swim and other fun facts 英文原版 河马不会游泳:和其他有趣的事实 英文版 进口英语原版书籍》。最新《Hippos Can't Swim and other fun facts 英文原版 河马不会游泳:和其他有趣的事实 英文版 进口英语原版书籍》简介、书评
Did you know a group of hippos is called a bloat? Explore more fun facts about these amazing semiaquatic mammals.
Fun Facts on Sea Lions i Sea lions, with their unmistakably noisy quirks, are sure to get the attention of passersby. If you're ever lucky enough to catch a glimpse of a sea lion, he may be basking in the sun while enjoying a snooze, or he might be barking, letting his voice be...
49. A group of crows is called a murder. I already knew about murder. 50. Hippos can run faster than humans. A lot faster, but that’s not saying much now. Cee Glassis a recovering writer, full-time computer nerd and all around hideous claw-beast, locked in a cage in Jeb’s base...
10. Beware of Hippos in Africa. More people are attacked by hippos than any other animal in Africa! They are very protective so if you see a hippo leave it alone. Enjoyed these facts? You might also enjoy ourTop 10 Facts about Kenya– a country in Africa!
They’re not gentle giants, however; male hippos are incredibly territorial, can run up to 20 miles an hour, and attack with 20-inch canines. #12. Crocodile Goutham89 // Wikimedia Commons #12. Crocodile Number of people killed in 2015: 1,000Percent of total worldwide deaths from animals...