Volcano for kids describes the natural phenomena in an easy and interesting way for children. These geographical concepts are important for kids as they are the basic natural phenomenon and children should know what is around them. For more concepts which are explained in an easy manner as this ...
China Facts and Information China is an interesting country with a huge population and a fascinating history. Over one billion people live there - and we’ve got some of coolest, wackiest and wild facts about China that will amaze you. Enjoy! Related: Co
From the earliest days of wireless communication to the modern-day convenience of streaming music and audio from anywhere in the world. Radio has played a major role in our lives – and of course, without it, Fun Kids wouldn’t exist! Let’s explore some of the most interesting facts abo...
In Mexico, Christmas isn’t celebrated on Christmas Day; that’s “Nochebuena.” Mexican kids don’t get presents on Christmas Day, instead they wait for another day, “Día de Reyes” or “Three Kings’ Day” on January 6th. This tradition is deeply rooted in Mexican culture and has a...
THE NEXUSES BETWEEN WIND AND RAINFALL PATTERNS: USING WIND TO PREDICT RAINFALL FOR ENHANCED ADAPTABILITY TO RAINFALL RELATED HAZARDS The ability to predict rainfall patterns is crucial for making informed decisions on proper adaptation to extreme climatic events like floods and droughts... SN Lusiru ...
floods and actually reverses its course. Transport is not the best, so be prepared for breakdowns which, surprisingly, are often fixed in a jiffy. The views are unbeatable. Find a seat on the open deck and enjoy the tranquil ride passing through pockets of floating villages and fishing boats...
connected to your grandkids. She gives tips on using money wisely with them, and on how to model values (e.g., honesty, integrity and courage) – presumably without interfering with their parents’ authority. For good measure, she throws in some recipes to help you make good food for a...
Wild Weather: Floods! Buy Floods! on Amazon A band of curious children, unaware of the danger, wander down to the local river to watch ice-jammed water steadily rise over the banks. As the frigid water begins to take over downtown Montpelier, Vermont, everyone has to clear the city—chil...
This year alone, we all have seen in the media, news about tornadoes in the USA, floods in Australia, earthquakes in New Zealand and Japan. It is alarming and concerning for all and it should be something we should be aware of as the world is going to be worse off for our next, ...
Tropical Climate Facts Ah, we think of tropical climates and dream of gorgeous white beaches, playing in the sea and sand with nice warm weather. Well you’re right to think of them in this way, but there’s way more to tropical climates than we think. W