However, they ended up creating Stranger Things (2016), which co-stars Finn Wolfhard (who plays Richie in It). There were 25 snakes found on The Maze Runner set. The grassy plains of the first Maze Runner film definitely creates a fearful anticipation of what lies within – and for the...
When Stranger Things 3 was released, 19.17 million people watched the first episode the day it was released. That's a lot of people watching TV through their fingers at once. 6. Finn Wolfhard filmed his audition tape in bed! Finn, who plays Mike, wasn't feeling well when he tried out...
The OT3 that is Finn, Rey, and Poe (John Boyega, Daisy Ridley, and Oscar Isaac) are the beating heart of the movie and the emotion that drives it forward with every interaction. Abrams gets credit for the performances as director, but these three had to do the real work and work they...
Netflix美劇《星期三》主角珍娜奧特嘉Jenna Ortega引起熱議!珍娜奧特嘉以童星出道,從電視劇中的小配角一路成長為主演多部恐怖驚悚電影的「尖叫女王」,一起來窺探珍娜奧特嘉的10件大小事!