Some fun facts about our zoo. It is centrally located in the heart of N.C. and is the world’s largest natural habitat zoo and one of only two state-supported zoos in the US. It contains 2,600 wooded acres, with 500 of those developed. It has over 1800 animals from more then 250...
honeymooners or those about to say, "I do". This is a five-star getaway with each room sporting a private balcony with views of green surrounds and the swimming pool, or the expanse of ocean.
Some fun facts about our zoo. It is centrally located in the heart of N.C. and is the world’s largest natural habitat zoo and one of only two state-supported zoos in the US. It contains 2,600 wooded acres, with 500 of those developed. It has over 1800 animals from more then 250...
Bull shark, (Carcharhinus leucas), species of large predatory shark found in shallow coastal lagoons, estuaries, and harbours... tiger shark Tiger shark, (Galeocerdo cuvier), large, potentially dangerous shark of the family Carcharhinidae. It is noted for its voracity... ...