Read on to discover five of our favorite fun facts about the Netherlands!1. Under the Sea Did you know the Netherlands is the lowest lying country in all of Europe? Roughly one third of the country, and about sixty percent of the total population, resides below sea level! In order to ...
Here are a few fun facts about Italy you may not know. Starting from its nickname, Bel Paese, meaning “beautiful country”. If you’re traveling toItaly for the first time, or are just curious about the country, there are interesting, fun facts you may not know. Where does the name ...
阅读理解Fun facts about“Oxford"“牛津”趣事As a middle school student in Nanjing, you are sure to be familiar with the name“Oxford”. After all, many of you use Oxford English textbooks. But how much do youknow about Oxford, England?You probably wondered if the name“Oxford" really has...
Enjoy these fun facts about Italy to know before you go. Italy is one of the most vibrant and diverse countries in the world for travelers
77 fun facts about Austria This post is part of a series of fun facts posts I'm doing for every country I have articles about here on the blog. Given their nature, these posts are research-based and even though a lot of time has gone into them, it's still possible a mistake has ...
The littleseven different countries to celebrateJoin in with the celebrations as theclouds rush off the world to find outspecial events and honor people'sLion and Dragon dance and thefun facts about someachievements.spectacular(壮观的)fireworks.unusual festivals.Price: 40 yuanPrice: 38 yuanPrice: ...
24. If you're looking for fun facts about Bangkok: In Bangkok, you can spy Buddha reclining in the temple of Wat Pho. This gold-plated statue with mother of pearl decorated eyes and feet ranks as one of the most magnificent giant Buddhas in the world. ...
【题目】Fun FactsDo you usually' have lunch in school?Children in New Zealand bring their own2 lunch to school. They have small lunch boxes. Ben isin a primary school in New Zealand. Let's look inside3his lunch box. It is quite' interesting".There is no hot food.Children in China ...
Spain is definitely a country that has a long, interesting history. There are many different intriguing aspects of it that make travelers excited to visit the Land of Paellas. If you are searching for the fun facts about Spain, then you are in the right place!
Ten fun facts about China1. China's Rapid Population Growth China is home to an astonishing one-fifth of the world's population, with an estimated 34 babies being born every single minute! This means that the population of China is growing rapidly, and it is no surprise that it is the ...