【Actress LMS】【FanPosts】Five Fun Facts About Lee Mi SookDecember 24, 2013 Source: KDramaStars.com By: Rubie 配图: 这是国外粉丝写的东西。 我觉得比韩语看起来亲切多了。 转发并存档。 http://forums.so 分享54 katharine吧 McLeonidas Katharine和Mom Mcphee在网站上发的消息Apr.24,2006 by Pei...
Mountain Town There's a bunch of birds in the sky, And some deers just went running by Oh, the snow's pure and white on the earth rich and brown! Just Another Sunday morning in my quiet mountain town. The sun is shining and the grass is green Under the three feet of snow, I ...