Ten fun facts about Squids1. Torpedo-Shaped Wonders! Squids are fascinating creatures, with a distinct torpedo-like shape and a head, mantle, and body. They have eight tentacles with suckers, as well as two paired tentacles for capturing and eating prey. These creatures come in a wide ...
分享10赞 数学吧 cn_EdGE 【Fun with Math】用Mathematica拟合quailty的头像>_<前几天看到有人在某社区问下面这个鸟叔函数是怎么做出来的[1]:从[1]可以看到这个图像的函数方程,着实令人蛋疼菊紧:(如果乃们有人机器不行电脑被卡了不要怪我) 23941 wacom吧 jrf81355929 BAMBOO FUN CTE-650 压感笔复活九年前买...