They're gorgeous when you see them in your garden, but butterflies are far more than pretty spring and summer visitors.
The point of camouflage is to hide. Butterflies do the opposite and try and attract attention - in a very clever way. The spots on butterflies (and moths) look like eyes, which tricks predators into thinking they're looking at a much bigger, more dangerous animal. And this is how they ...
There are about 24,000 species of butterflies which is one of the most amazing butterfly facts. The moths are even more numerous: about 140,000 species of them were counted all over the world. The Brimstone butterfly (Gonepterix rhamni) has the longest lifetime of the adult butterflies: ...
which include many sap-feeding insects, have mouthparts modified for piercing and sucking fluids. Insects that feed on blood, likemosquitoes, also have piercing, sucking mouthparts.Butterflies and mothsdrink fluids
The USButterflies and Moths Organisationis a great site for facts and pictures about the butterfly life cycle. You can use it to identify any butterfly you find and submit your pictures. TheUK Butterfly Conservation Organisation. Kerri, who wants to go to school to be a lepidopterist, has...
Daily Happy ReasonsA group of butterflies is called a kaleidoscope. #funfacts #collectivenouns #english John Mastodon :verified:<
WTF fun facts for kids and people of all ages about yourself, animals, and the things around us. These random snippets might make you a quiz night champ.
Celebrate the winter season with your kids and learn lots of Facts about Winter including weather, amount of sunlight, and holidays.
Males will not hesitate to descend aggressively upon almostanyintruder in their territory including larger birds, cats, squirrels, human beings, butterflies, moths, bees, wasps, and/or yellow jackets. When an intruder is spotted, they will fly directly at them, chasing the trespasser out of its...