It's estimated that, despite it's relatively small size, Costa Rica contains about 5% of the Earth's total biomass (meaning 5% of all plant and animal life on Earth). That makes Costa Rica one of the most biodiverse countries on the planet!
6. 最环保的建筑:随着环保意识的提高,越来越多的建筑开始注重环保设计和可持续发展。例如,英国的“Biomass House”是一座使用生物质能源的零排放住宅;而美国的“Living Building”则是一座完全使用可再生资源的、具有生态意义的建筑。 Biomass House Living Building 这只是一些趣事,实际上还有更多有趣的事情等待我们去...
Homeowner's Guide to Renewable Energy: Achieving Energy Independence through Solar, Wind, Biomass and Hydropower It starts by outlining the likely impacts of fossil fuel shortages and some basic facts about energy. It then discusses energy conservation to slash energy bills and prepare for renewable ...
We’re exploring some of the most interesting and amazing facts about the world of plants. From their incredible diversity, to their remarkable adaptations, to their ability to sustain life on Earth, plants have always been a source of fascination and awe. 1. Plants go through a process calle...
Antsmatter because antsarematter – exactly as much matter as humans, to be precise. That is to say, if you were to add up all the biomass of people in the world, it would be roughly equal to the amount of ant biomass in the world. Suddenly they don’t seem so small, eh?
International Census of Marine Microbes (ICoMM)in Microbes Building a cyber infrastructure to index and organize what is known about microbes, the world”s smallest organisms, which account for 90 percent of biomass in oceans. Future of Marine Animal Populations (FMAP)in Oceans Past and Future FM...
So why don’t they just use these sources to provide the power they need and forget about the coal and the natural gas? The Times will never say it, but the fact is that all the wind and solar are completely for show. They produce some small amounts of power at rando...