Ben Franklin’s experiments on electricity became the foundation of many inventions, such as batteries, incandescent light bulbs, electromagnetic fields, generators, transformers, and much more! He is celebrated for many more inventions, including the woodburning stove, odometer, bifocal eyeglasses, and...
* | Tags: Fun facts Franklin used to own the building and there is a small museum on the second floor. USPS Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! The Postal Service ordered more than 276 million square feet of bubble wrap to safely deliver COVID-19 test kits to the American public. At 12...
This article teaches you fun facts, trivia, and history events from the year 1935. Find out about popular movies, sports facts and best-selling books, food and fashion trends, Nobel laureates and Oscar winners, popular music artists and songs, famous birthdays and deaths, economic and tech new...
2. Thank you, Ben Ben Franklin founded the University of Pennsylvania in 1740, and it was the first American college to be founded on strictly secular principles. Franklin advocated a course of study that included practical competencies as well as the classics. You can see a copy of Franklin...
Fun Facts About Turkeys火鸡趣闻 1.火鸡头部和喉咙的颜色会随着它的心情变化而改变。2.火鸡与家庭成员和群居伙伴之间形成了牢固的社会纽带,有时在野外成群活动的火鸡达两百只以上。3.火鸡的听力很好。它们拥有约270度的令人惊叹的视野,并能够辨别颜色。一只野生火鸡的叫声在一英里以外都能被听到。4.一只野生火鸡的...
Something about Brian’s tweet makes me think he … Continued By Matt Novak Published November 25, 2014 Tech News Did Ben Franklin Want the Turkey to Be Our National Symbol? It’s one of those Thanksgiving fun facts I loved repeating when I was a kid: Ben Franklin liked turkeys ...
The music was great and so were the facts about the city. Would definitely go again! BigIsland2018 February 10, 2025 Seamus Miller tour guideIt was fantastic, very glad I booked this tour, Seamus Miller was our tour guide and he was great!! Very knowledgeable about...
1. Did you know that Ben Franklin wanted the turkey as our country’s national symbol? Some say he just said it was “more respectable” than the bald eagle! 2. For short distances,wild turkeys can fly up to 55 mph and run up to 25 for short distances. Domesticated turkeys are usuall...
Some of these facts are a little astonishing, how many did you already know? 10 Fun Facts You May Not Have Known About New York Want to make some great conversation or impress someone with knowledge? Check out these 10 fun facts about New York State that not many people know. The Amount...
Down Memory Lane(1949), a documentary with appearances by Steve Allen, Bing Crosby, W.C. Fields, Franklin Pangborn, and silent film legends Ben Turpin, Mack Sennett, Mabel Normand, and others. Brother Can You Spare a Dime(1975), a documentary about the Great Depression. Footage and cameos...