The new guidelines aim to streamline this process, ensuring that any claim of a heavenly apparition or miraculous event receives the scrutiny it deserves before being accepted or rejected. —WTF fun facts Source:“Vatican tightens rules on supernatural phenomena” — BBC News WTF Fun Fact 13733 –...
Now we have a better shot at knowing the biological sex of a baby before birth, but if you haven’t quite made it to that ultrasound or just want to have a little fun, read on for some unscientific but entertaining ways to predict whether you’re having a girl or boy! Old Wiv...
Give us any color, any breed, any age, any size—if it’s a cat, we’ll still love it. Kitties offer that perfect mix of charm and companionship, while still actually being fairly low-maintenance (never mind what dog owners will tell you!). But there’s something special about orange...