June was called sera monath by the Anglo-Saxons, which translated to “dry month”. More Nobel prize winners are born in June, than in any other month. Some of the famous people throughout history or today with June birthdays are Anne Frank, Che Guevara, George H. W. Bush, Morgan Fre...
The word “nightmare” derives from the Anglo-Saxon word mare, meaning demon; which is related to the Sanskrit mara, meaning destroyer. Funny Did You Honk At Me As two attractive working girls walk past a stopped car, a horn goes off. But it's a set up to catch people's reactions....
The Anglo-Saxons called the month of August “Weod month” because it’s a month when weeds and other plants grow rapidly! We like to think of August as the peak time for picking! In much of the country, here’s what’s in season: Summer Squash/Zucchini Cantaloupe and Watermelon Corn...
October Fun Facts: The Anglo-Saxon or Old English name for the month of October is Winterfylleth or “the full winter moon,” because winter was said to begin on the first full moon in October. In the Catholic Church, the month of October is dedicated the Holy Rosary (since 1571). Know...
Origin: Anglo-Saxon, Old English, Irish, and Celtic girl name Meaning:“Fading memory,”“water goddess,” or “name of a nymph” Pronunciation:“koh-ven-teen-uh” Length: 9 letters, 4 syllables Popularity/Rank: 1,000+ Namesakes/Description: Celtic goddess of the sacred waters, wells, an...
the silly side to the holiday that has a “Peter Cottontail hopping down the bunny trail” leaving colored eggs for all the kiddies. We all know about this story. But did you know that the term Easter gets its name from Eastre, the Anglo-Saxon goddess who symbolizes the hare and the ...
Our newest site, amIwrong has an albums order quiz where you need to put this performer's albums in order of release.Band Name Origins: besides the striped shirts it also has something to do with the fact that the guys in the band were White Anglo Saxon Protestants (W.A.S.P.) s ...
you need to hop into the way-back machine and travel to Britain where some sixteen hundred years ago Anglo-Saxon descendants of Germanic tribes paid tribute to a goddess of springtime. Small loaves of bread were offered to her in sacrifice; the bread bore a cross that divided each bun into...
it sounds as if Nicky's getting pissy (pardon my Anglo Saxon) over a game of i-spy. Submitted by: Hasina Ghani There are additional Westlife Funny lyrics available. Nonsensical Song Lyrics: "We've Got A World Of Our Own" The Nonsensical Lyrics: ...
This fall, I’ll be taking my last required class (Intro to Anglo-Saxon) for my M. A. degree before I begin the thesis process in the spring. By the time I finish, I’ll have my M. A. in Literature and Language, specializing in Imaginative Literature. The prospect of completing my...