Fun fact! Archaeological evidence indicates that lentils have been cultivated as far back as 8,000-10,000 years ago in Southwest Asia. Cantaloupe ripeness August 23rd 2024 Fun fact! Cantaloupe does not ripen off the vine unlike other fruits. ...
However, through the years there have been some moments that stand out as atypical of the normal routine. Here are some interesting facts and history from Inauguration Days past. A Change in DateFor well over a century, the new president was sworn in on March 4. This extended lame-duck ...
Fun Facts Steve S - January 22, 2024 Nothing like a good expiration-date panic: You're about to pour some milk you’re your morning coffee or spread cream cheese on your evening toast, when suddenly, you notice they've expired two days ago. But… have... How Is Raw Fish For Sus...
Random and fun facts to bring out at your next dinner party, about biology, animals, geography and more, for children and adults!
Science Facts For Kids Check out some really fun facts for kids all about science. It’s so important to understand the process used for science. Come with us while explore different science methods. There is bound to be some really cool stuff along the way!
The robotic voice was a little hard to listen to but the facts were really interesting! Definitely worth a listen! Indian Ocean Q & A How Old Is The Indian Ocean? Around 36 million years ago, the Indian ocean formed the present configuration. The first ...
77 fun facts about Austria This post is part of a series of fun facts posts I’m doing for every country I have articles about here on the blog. Given their nature, these posts are research-based and even though a lot of time has gone into them, it’s still possible a mistake has...
Candy Land was created 70 years ago to give kids stuck in polio wards a way to vicariously move freely in the pursuit of delights. The original board featured a boy in a leg brace about to walk through starting gate of the game.[29] ...
WTF fun facts for kids and people of all ages about yourself, animals, and the things around us. These random snippets might make you a quiz night champ.
Source:“Interesting facts about Venus” — Royal Museums Greenwich Leave a comment WTF Fun Fact 13676 – We Can’t Burp in Space February 1, 2024 People can’t burp in space. Now, you might wonder, why on Earth (or rather, off Earth) can’t astronauts do something as simple as bur...