The facts in this publication may be reproduced for the purpose of stating the fact itself, in a business, informational or academic context and the like, and in the body of text discussing factual subject matter relevant to the fact being presented. However, these facts may become outdated ...
WTF Fun Fact 13714 – Peachtree City and Golf Carts April 11, 2024 Peachtree City, Georgia, is not just another suburb of Atlanta. It stands out with a unique transportation system dominated by golf carts. This city has developed a comprehensive network of paths that cater specifically to thes...
The rejuvenation of daisies and the fact that they are a prolific early spring bloom also connects to fertility, new beginnings, and rebirth, qualities often associated with April as nature returns to rich, vibrant life after the winter. Related Daisy — The April Birth Flower Birth Month Flower...
So Napoléon's ministers were complaining about the fact that our ancestors refused to learn French and the diminutive emperors answered this: “let them speak their language, as long as they sabre the French way!” So, these Laphroaigs will be tasted 'à la hussarde’ (the hussar-way) ...
It’s the biggest holiday in China which is usually celebrated in January or February. New year in China is even more popular than Christmas. But here’s an even interesting fact: many countries in the world celebrate Chinese New Year as well....
In fact, it’s very beautiful. Borderline moringa, but let’s not overdo this. With water: no change, though none was needed. Mouth (neat): bonkers. Smoky indeed, very salty, packed with natural rubber and citrus peels, plus the usual liquorice and an unusually large dose of tarragon. ...
Posted on October 11, 2021 | 1 comment “Be Curious. Not Judgmental.” ~Ted Lasso Back in April, when we wrote about our favorite show of the year, Ted Lasso, it was, just like the Richmond Greyhounds, a bit of an underdog. It was the show everyone was being told about, but ...
Another interesting fun fact: Pig Beach is an otherwise uninhabited island in the Bahamas mainly populated by feral pigs. There’s no confirmed theory of why these pigs ended up there in the first place, but some speculate that they came from a shipwreck, a business tactic, or an abandoned...
In fact one of our favorite new (FnF composed)songs goes like this: “The roots are connected to the trunk, the trunk is connected to the boughs, the boughs are connected to the branches, the branches are connected to the twigs, the twigs are connected to the leaves, and those are ...
4 Jaw-Dropping Food Facts That Will Impress Your Friends Fun Facts Kelly T - March 19, 2024 Guess what? Food is weirder and more wonderful than you might think. We’ve been on a little food fact-finding mission, and what we’ve discovered is nothing short of amazing. Let's dive in...