If you’re having trouble thinking of enough fun facts to share about yourself, try some of the suggestions we've curated in this article. You never know what will start a long and enjoyable conversation — or a lifelong friendship. List of 58 Examples of Fun Facts about Yourself to Tell ...
You sit down at an interview, Zoom meeting, or dinner party and get asked to share a fun fact about yourself. Should you talk about your biggest accomplishment or hidden talent? Should you tell that funny college story or a childhood secret? What “fun fact” should you share that won’...
2019年5月12日,周日,晴 Q131: 关于你的一件趣事 刚打完下班卡。 三月份有一次,上班迟到了1分钟。第二天申请补卡,理由那一栏我写着:地铁走走停停导致迟到。 主管看到后,哭笑不得,跟我说:“傻姑娘,这么写我怎么批?” “就是事实啊!今天和平常一样正常出门,如果不是地铁走得跟公交一样,肯定不会迟到的。...
If you know that you’ll be meeting a bunch of strangers (who are also meeting each other for the first time), you can bet that having a quick fun fact about yourself will come in handy. Tips for choosing the best fun fact about yourself Even with a list of fun fact examples laid ...
either simple or intriguing. Our examples let you choose how you want to influence the conversation. Some are funny, some serious, and some are thought provoking. They also lead into sharing more information about yourself. Use them at a party or anytime you want to get someone interested in...
Fun Fact: My family has a ton of DVD's of Tom and Jerry, both the classic kind and the more modern ones.
这周五要在 town hall 做一分钟的自我介绍,包括三个fun facts about yourself(好害怕冷场,我部门的partners 和同事都很serious 🥶 想了好久只想到可以分享自己中文名字的含义(寓意破晓) 其实如果是和朋友分享的话,我可以毫无负担地分享很多个人的奇葩事迹。但莫名不想在工作场合/ 同事面前展露自己这一面…… ...
Think of it this way: What do you want someone to start a conversation with you about later? Or, what’s an aspect of your identity that you want to lead with in the environment where the fun fact is being requested? It could be anything, from your sense of humor to the nuances of...
2019年5月12日,周日,晴 Q131: 关于你的一件趣事 刚打完下班卡。 三月份有一次,上班迟到了1分钟。第二天申请补卡,理由那一栏我写着:地铁走走停停导致迟到。 主管看到后,哭笑不得,跟我说:“傻姑娘,这么写我怎么批?” “就是事实啊!今天和平常一样正常出门,如果不是地铁走得跟公交一样,肯定不会迟到的。...
Fun fact: having one but I've been to enough where I'm not a huge fan of them lol. Only reason I'm really excited is we decided on a Kingdom Hearts theme. Oh and ya know, to marry my fiancé. Anagram Banned Joined Mar 9, 2008 Messages 5,673 Aug 29, 2015 #262 Fun fact:...