The most Oscars ever, in fact! By a landslide! He's won 22 and has been nominated for a staggering 59! He Tried to Enlist During WWI Photo: Public Domain Walt Disney loved his country. So much so that he lied about his age and tried to enlist in World War I. He ...
Fun Fact|Disney, Walt 迪士尼第一个卡通形象 迪士尼早期的合作者是乌伯-依沃克斯,乌伯和华特塑造的第一个卡通人物是于1927年创作的——幸运兔奥斯华(Oswald the Lucky Rabbit ),由于版权问题被迫放弃,最后催生了新的吉祥物米老鼠。 2006年迪士尼通过与环球影业的交易拿回了幸运兔奥斯华的版权。奥斯华在迪士尼世界里是...
In honor of "Beauty and the Beast" turning 25 in November, here are some behind-the-scenes facts about the Disney film.
Reeves’ martial arts training began in the 1980s when he started studying Karate. Reeves then moved on to study Judo and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ). In fact, Reeves has trained extensively with world-renowned BJJ black belt Rigan Machado, who is one of the top instructors in the world. H...
Random and fun facts to bring out at your next dinner party, about biology, animals, geography and more, for children and adults!
1 | Walt Disney World is About the Same Size as San Francisco |Our country’s most famous theme park is enormous and sits on over 35,000 acres. Around 58 million people visit the park each year, making it Florida’s most popular tourist destination. ...
Back then, Walt Disney partnered up with Samuel Goldwyn of MGM to bring The Snow Queen to the screen, but it wasn’t to be. They worked on the project until 1942, but World War II stalled the movie. The idea for The Snow Queen was revisited in the late ‘90s, but scrapped again ...
Walt Disney Animation 6.Mickey’s Christmas Carol(1983) Disney put its hat in the ring of holiday specials with this 1983 featurette.Mickey’s Christmas Carolwas the first original Mickey Mouse theatrical cartoon produced in over 30 years. While it was originally created to be shown alongside Di...
Walt Disney World is one such place.Here is a list of the others. #26. Apple makes on average over $163 million a day. If you do the math, that comes to $1 million every eight minutes. So by the time you finish reading this article, Apple had made over $2 million!
Similarly, about 500,000 trees are cut for daily newspapers. May 22nd is the least common birth date. The 22nd of May is the least common day to be born. On the other hand, the 16th of September is the most common birthday. In fact, more people in the world are born in ...