The fact that the king of Egypt during the time of the Exodus isn’t named in Scripture is not a mistake–there are no mistakes in God’s Word. When we discover the pharaohs were obsessed with having their names remembered forever, and then we see the names of the sons of Israel–and...
In fact, placing food and water inside the hatchery box could jeopardize the integrity of the box and could endanger the health and safety of the animals inside. Thousands of chicks are transported through the U.S. Mail seamlessly every year. This is a legacy operation we take very seriously...
When you think adventure, you think Indiana Jones. The series completely reinvigoratedthe adventure moviegenre and none have come close to matching the magic of the originalIndiana Jonestrilogy. Maybe you've watched all the films over and over again, but there's certainly lots ofbeh...
Originally, Harrison Ford was proposed for the role, but Lucas resisted the idea, since he had already cast the actor in American Graffiti, and Star Wars and did not want Ford to become known as his "Bobby De Niro" (in reference to the fact that Martin Scorsese regularly cast...
In fact, it is active against HIV-1, West Nile Virus, and Herpes simplex virus. Stand-up Comedy I Love the ish Stand-up comedy about living in Britain for 11 years and adapting to the British lifestyle. In Japan it either is or it is not; there is no concept of ...-ish.. ...
As a matter of fact, Brazil is the fifth largest country in the world. It is so big, that all of non-Russian Europe could fit inside of its borders! #4. Asia is the largest continent in land area in the world. It is larger than North and South America combined! More people live ...
Research at the University of Bristol found that only 0.006% of the Korean population has the ABCC11 gene, which causes armpit odor. In fact, the study found that most East Asians don’t have this gene, but Koreans have the lowest numbers. While this may be surprising to us, it’s no...
Nothing is known about St. Sebastian's youth other than the fact he may have come from southern France and he was educated in Milan. He joined the Roman Army in 283 AD, ostensibly to be of service to other Christians who were being persecuted by the Romans. St. Sebastian distinguished hi...
However, the irony grows even thicker because, like all Biblical prophecies, they are always discovered a little after the fact (vaticinium ex eventu). In about an hour of programming time, I developed a small Windows application that performs this exact function — search for hidden codes in...
In some instances just the very fact that you admitted your desires and you had an arguement will create just the right juice to get you both back in the sack and creating amazing “make up” magic. You may find yourself in the swinging lifestyle. You may find yourself at a nude beach...