Here’s another fun fact: the tramcars used to be made from wood, but over the years, they have evolved to use steel instead for better durability and safety. Why do locals call the tram ‘Ding Ding’? The endearing nickname ‘Ding Ding’ originates from the warning sounds of the ...
In fact, placing food and water inside the hatchery box could jeopardize the integrity of the box and could endanger the health and safety of the animals inside. Thousands of chicks are transported through the U.S. Mail seamlessly every year. This is a legacy operation we take very seriously...
Fun Fact #77 Who was the first woman in the United States to manage a series of musical concerts, bringing international talent to cities across the Pacific Northwest from 1902 to 1936? Lois Steers in her office a lovely 1900s pompadadour hairstyle. Courtesy Multnomah County Library. Lois Ste...
This post is part of a series of fun facts posts I’m doing for every country I have articles about here on the blog. Given their nature, these posts are research-based and even though a lot of time has gone into them, it’s still possible a mistake has snuck in. If you see some...
In fact, it is active against HIV-1, West Nile Virus, and Herpes simplex virus. Stand-up Comedy I Love the ish Stand-up comedy about living in Britain for 11 years and adapting to the British lifestyle. In Japan it either is or it is not; there is no concept of ...-ish.. ...
Check out other fun facts about alcohol! Sonic the Hedgehog isn’t his full name. In fact, Sega’s posterboy is actually named Ogilvie Maurice Hedgehog. A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out. Because of a membrane that holds its tongue to the roof of its mouth, a crocodile can’t ...
Ten fun facts about Wilhelm Wundt1. The Father of Modern Psychology On August 16, 1832, Wilhelm Wundt was born in Neckarau, Baden, a small town in the south-west of Germany. Wundt is widely regarded as the founder of modern psychology, and his work in the late 19th century laid the ...
9. Chandler's Street Names The town of Chandler, Arizona has a unique history when it comes to street names. Most of the north and south streets in the original town site were named after states, such as California Street, Arizona Avenue, and Massachusetts Street. Meanwhile, the east and ...
Fun Fact: Seneca Falls is the birthplace of the women's rights movement. Rewind back to 1848 and women had next to no rights, so a convention was held, and slowly over the decades to follow women gained much-justified equality. Dont Tell Anyone, But We Are Average Size filo Don't Tell...
Indonesia Fun Fact #13. The equator cuts straight across Sumatra, Sulwesi, Kalimantan as well as a few other small islands that make up the middle part of Indonesia. If you have the chance to visit, do! – it’s a fun, albeit overdone, photo-taking opp. ...