No matter how often you’re asked, coming up with “fun facts about me” that are genuinely fun and work-appropriate never seems to get any easier. From interviews to your first day of a new job, to team building activities and networking events, a few fun facts can break the ice and...
I have always wondered if . . . (a person could really learn to fly; the world might, in fact, be flat; there are aliens among us, etc.) This is great, but I prefer . . . (a different type of music, a more romantic environment, more food, etc.) Right now, I am . . . ...
“Facts about me” prompts can be found at job interviews, networking events, or icebreaker activities. Sharing a fact about yourself in an introduction is a great way to make the experience unique. Be appropriate with what you share because others might interpret it differently. ...
Experts explain the important, thought-provoking questions to ask your boyfriend, girlfriend, partner, or spouse to help you continue to get to know each other.
A study shows cats have better memories than dogs.Words to Knowfact/faekt/n.事实belong /br'lpg/to属于satellite /'saetolaIt/n.人造卫星muscle /'masl/n.肌肉ancient/'emfont/ adj.古老的Understanding the Text StructureI. Fill in the blanks with the correct words according to the text.They ...
What do you think about the fact that mother's intelligence gives a 75% influence on the children's intelligence? Do you think "tiger parenting" is abusive? How old you have to be to get custody of a younger sibling in California? How can I overcome my baby jealousy? What is the cute...
Whether you like it or not, the shortening of “you all” to “y’all” is here to stay. For a long time, people believed the term originated sometime in the 18th or 19th centuries, but in fact, it’s been in use for much longer. ...
His fascination comes from the fact that you’re able to tell so much about a dinosaur’s lifestyle and diet by examining their fossilized feces! The largest piece of carnivore coprolite weighs about as much as a dachshund! This monstrous piece of poop is also owned by George Frandsen and ...
So impressive, in fact, that my current crop of Beta Readers have outpaced me in both their eagerness to finish the story and their heeding of my own words about my time constraints. Outpaced to the degree that they have now finished their Beta 1 read-through, while I find myself ...
In fact, most people cannot begin to grasp what it feels like to be amusic. Just going to a restaurant or a shopping mall can be uncomfortable or even painful. That is why many amusics intentionally stay away from places where there is music. However, this can result in withdrawal and ...